On-line Anti-Corruption Training: Comprehensive Module

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The purpose of this anti-corruption training module

GIACC has developed this comprehensive on-line training module, “Identifying and Avoiding Corruption in the Infrastructure Sector”,  in order to help users:

  • achieve a better understanding of corruption in the infrastructure sector
  • avoid corruption
  • identify corruption
  • deal with corruption appropriately if confronted with it.

Who should use it?

This module can be used by individuals, and also by professional institutions and organisations as part of their formal training for their members and employees.  It is aimed primarily at middle and senior management, particularly those involved in procurement, tendering, sales and marketing, design, project management, claims management, commercial management, financial management, legal, compliance, and internal audit.

The module focuses on the infrastructure sector.  Therefore, corruption examples are based on examples from this sector.  However, the principles would apply to all sectors, so people from other sectors would also benefit from this module.

This training can be used by organisations and individuals wherever they are located or working as, although the law will vary between jurisdictions, the module covers general principles and examples which have worldwide applicability.

The module is designed to be undertaken by individuals working by themselves on-line.  However, an organisation could project the web-pages onto a screen, and use the whole or part of the module as part of a training workshop.

Is there a charge for using this module?

There is no charge for the use of this training module.

What does the module cover?

This module is structured as follows:

  • Section 1:  Why is anti-corruption training important?  This Section looks briefly at the criminal and financial risks of corruption for individuals and organisations, the damage caused by corruption, and the likelihood of a person encountering corruption.
  • Section 2:  Overview of corruption:  This Section looks at what is meant by corruption.  The term ‘corruption’ is used in its wider sense to include bribery, extortion, facilitation payments, fraud, collusion, embezzlement, abuse of power and money-laundering.
  • Section 3:  The corruption offences:  This Section looks at the principles of the different corruption offences, gives examples of how they can occur, and examines how individuals and companies can incur liability for these offences.
  • Section 4:  Guiding principles:  This Section lists some principles which should be adopted in a person’s every day conduct so as to minimise the risk of being involved in corruption.
  • Section 5:  Ethical dilemmas:   This Section provides fourteen ethical dilemmas which a person could face.  The person doing the training should consider his or her reaction to this dilemma, and then move on to the answer which provides advice.

Does this module provide everything I need to know? 

This module is not intended to make the user an expert in corruption identification or prevention.  This module provides basic principles which can be used by individuals and organisations in raising awareness of the risks of corruption, and in identifying, avoiding and dealing with corruption.   It does not and could not cater for all possible corrupt situations.  More detailed information on corruption is contained on the GIACC Resource Centre (see index on left of page), and can be downloaded at any time free of charge.

This module does not deal with the necessary anti-corruption programmes which should be implemented by organisations and on projects.  These programmes are available on the GIACC Resource Centre (see “Anti-Corruption Programmes” on index on left of page).

How long will this module take?

This training contains detailed information and some difficult concepts.  The time it will take depends on the speed at which the user progresses.  It should take between one and two hours to complete.  If you stop the module before completion, it is possible to re-start at the position you stopped.  To do so, record the web-page URL at the top of the page you have reached (e.g. “www.giaccentre.org.onlinetraining[……….]), and re-enter that URL into the web-search engine when you recommence.  Alternatively, you can re-start the module from the beginning, and click “next page” until your reach the relevant page.

Is there a record of completing the module?

Upon completion of the module, you can type your name into a box on the certificate web-page, and you then can print out a GIACC certificate of completion of the course which includes your name and date of completion.  GIACC does not retain any record of these names.  This certificate can be given to your employer or professional institution as proof of completing the module.

Is it possible for someone to print the certificate merely by progressing through all the module pages without reading them?  Yes, this is possible.  The course therefore relies on the willingness of the individual to learn properly from it.  However, the same risk applies when an individual attends a training workshop in person – the individual could choose not to listen to the workshop presentation.

The law in this module

This module is intended for international use.  Law and liability varies between jurisdictions.  It is not possible, therefore, for it to deal with the corruption laws of different countries. The principles provided in this training module are therefore not based on the law of any particular jurisdiction, but are general principles that are likely to apply in most jurisdictions.   Some of the concepts referred to in this module may not apply in some countries.  However, it will nevertheless be of use to the trainee to be aware of these concepts and generally to assume that they may apply in his or her country.  This will help not only to protect the trainee from criminal and civil liability, it will also result in a generally more ethical approach.


The principles and recommendations contained in this module do not constitute legal advice.  When an organisation is implementing anti-corruption measures, or when an organisation or individual is faced with actual or suspected corruption, specific legal advice should be taken so as to ascertain the exact position in the relevant jurisdiction.  GIACC and the authors accept no responsibility for the consequences of any action taken in reliance on this document.


Most recent update on 25th June 2022.

First published on 1st September 2009.