New paper published:
A new paper, “The Next Generation of the Measurement of Corruption”, has been published by the University of Oxford Blavatnik School of Government. The paper was authored by Kamel Ayadi, Founding Chairman of GIACC-Tunisia and Todd Foglesong, Lecturer at the Munk School, University of Toronto. The paper examines existing and alternative methods of measuring corruption.
Several organisations have published indices or surveys which provide information about the extent of corruption in a country or sector. The following are some of those indices and surveys which impact on the infrastructure sector. Click on the publication title to go to the relevant web-site.
If the following details are inaccurate or incomplete, or if there is a recognised and useful index or survey which is not listed below, please send details to GIACC
TI has published the following indices which attempt to measure the prevalence of corruption internationally.
The World Bank publishes aggregate and individual governance indicators for numerous countries and territories.
The World Justice Project Rule of Law Index® measures how the rule of law is experienced and perceived by the general public in numerous countries and jurisdictions worldwide based on household and expert surveys.
The UK Chartered Institute of Building published two surveys (2006 and 2013) of corruption in the UK construction industry. The surveys show a material level of corruption. They also show a significant difference in perception between participants in the industry as to what practices are actually corrupt. The survey asked construction professionals what type of corrupt practice was most commonly found, and examined attitudes of how corrupt they deemed a variety of practices to be.
Updated on 15th December 2023