GIACC has since 2008 played a leading role internationally in raising awareness of corruption and promoting the implementation of effective anti-corruption actions by governments and organisations.
GIACC was founded in May 2008 by Catherine Stansbury and Neill Stansbury. They are both lawyers, each with over 35 years experience working in the international infrastructure sector, and over 20 years experience in corruption prevention. They are the authors of the GIACC Resource Centre.
There has been a significant change in attitude over the last twenty years towards corruption in the infrastructure sector. Corruption, in the form of bribery, extortion, fraud and cartels, is still widespread in many countries. However, whereas previously corruption may have been tolerated as a necessary or unavoidable practice, it is now increasingly acknowledged that corruption is unacceptable.
As a result of this change in attitude, a policy of zero-tolerance for corruption is being increasingly adopted by many governments, project owners, funders, and organisations and individuals working in the sector. The concern for these stakeholders is no longer whether they should seek to eliminate corruption in their organisations, projects or business dealings, but how to do so.
Consequently, there is a vital need to raise awareness about how corruption takes place, and to develop and implement anti-corruption measures.
GIACC was founded to help fulfill this need. It was established with the purpose of developing, publishing and promoting, on an independent and impartial basis, effective and achievable anti-corruption training materials and preventive measures for the infrastructure sector.
GIACC has grown rapidly in size and reach since its foundation in 2008. In particular, it has:
For further information, contact GIACC
Updated on 4th September 2024