

The Global Infrastructure Anti-Corruption Centre (GIACC) is an international network of independent, not-for-profit organisations which develops and promotes anti-corruption measures for the infrastructure sector.

You can take GIACC’s free 30 minute online Anti-Corruption Training Module:  “Avoiding Corruption”, and print a certificate of completion at the end.

GIACC objectives

GIACC believes that corruption can only be prevented and dealt with if both public and private sector organisations implement effective anti-corruption measures as a necessary and core part of their day-to-day corporate, procurement and project management. 

GIACC’s primary objectives are to:

  • raise awareness of corruption
  • develop and publish free resources which assist in understanding, preventing and dealing with corruption
  • promote the implementation of effective anti-corruption measures by governments, and by public and private sector organisations.

GIACC’s  anti-corruption resources are applicable to all engineering, construction and infrastructure activities worldwide.

So as to maintain its independence, GIACC does not undertake consulting work or investigate or report on allegations of corruption.


GIACC-International is the lead and co-ordinating body in the GIACC network.  It was founded in 2008.  It is located in the UK but operates internationally.  

GIACC Affiliates

There are eleven GIACC national Affiliates, which, together with GIACC-International, comprise the GIACC network.  The Affiliates are located in Australia, Colombia, Italy, Germany, Mongolia, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, UK, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.  The Affiliates lead the promotion of GIACC’s objectives in the Affiliate’s home country.  

GIACC Alliances

GIACC-International has formed anti-corruption Alliances with two international organisations, three regional organisations, and 23 national organisations in 16 countries. Under these Alliances, GIACC and these organisations agree to work together to promote the implementation of anti-corruption measures.

GIACC International Council

GIACC-International has an International Council which:

  • advises and agrees on:
    • the anti-corruption objectives of GIACC-International and GIACC Affiliates
    • the development and improvement of GIACC resources
    • projects which could be implemented by GIACC-International and GIACC Affiliates
    • the establishment of new GIACC Affiliates and Alliances
  • exchanges ideas and helps co-ordinate activities between GIACC-International and GIACC Affiliates.

GIACC’s international reach 

Through its network of national Affiliates, and its Alliances and Council Members, GIACC is able to achieve international outreach to over 110 countries in promoting good anti-corruption practice, as illustrated in the maps in GIACC’s Organisational Structure.  

GIACC Resource Centre

Contents of the Resource Centre

The GIACC Resource Centre (see menu on left for contents) provides, free of charge, online information, advice and tools designed to help organisations and individuals in the public and private sector understand, prevent and deal with corruption.

Since its launch in 2008, the GIACC Resource Centre has been visited online by over 875,000 users from over 190 countries.

The Resource Centre includes the following:

The above resources can be accessed both through the above links and through the menu on the left of every web-page.

Who can benefit from the GIACC Resource Centre

GIACC’s resources are provided primarily for the assistance of all those involved in the infrastructure sector, including governments, project owners, funders, contractors, consulting engineering firms, and suppliers of equipment, materials and services.  However, these resources can be adapted and used by public and private sector organisations and individuals in all sectors.

Free use of the GIACC Resource Centre

The information, advice and tools on the GIACC Resource Centre can be used free of charge in accordance with GIACC’s Terms of Use.  

The authorship and independence of the GIACC Resource Centre

The authors of the GIACC Resource Centre are lawyers with over 35 years experience working in the international infrastructure sector, and over 20 years experience in corruption prevention.  

The Resource Centre contents were written on a pro bono, independent and objective basis by its authors.  Neither GIACC nor its authors have received any external funding in relation to the creation and publication of the Resource Centre.

What is meant by “Corruption”

GIACC uses the term “corruption” in the Resource Centre in its wider sense, to include bribery, extortion, fraud, cartels, abuse of power, embezzlement, and money laundering (see What is Corruption).

What is meant by “Infrastructure”

GIACC uses the term “infrastructure” in the Resource Centre to mean the basic systems and services that a country needs to operate effectively, such as buildings, roads, railways, water, and power.  The infrastructure sector includes all public and private sector construction, engineering and other organisations and individuals working to build, own, operate, maintain and finance such infrastructure.

Further information

For further information, contact GIACC

Updated on 8th September 2024