Anti-Corruption Scorecard

The Anti-Corruption Scorecard is a tool published by GIACC which is designed to provide an assessment of anti-corruption governance in relation to public sector construction projects in a particular country or in relation to a particular project owner. 

The scorecard measures a number of factors, including perceptions of the extent to which corruption takes place in public sector construction projects, and the extent to which effective systems are implemented by government, public sector project owners and the private sector to help prevent such corruption. 

Weighted ratings are given to each factor, and the cumulative score is derived from all the individual factor scores to give an overall project owner or country score. 

This is a subjective tool, and is open to different opinion.  It is not a perfect measure.  However, it is designed to identify actual or perceived deficiencies in a project owner’s or country’s anti-corruption processes in relation to public sector construction projects, and therefore to encourage improvements to be made.

Updated on 10th April 2020