Module 8:  Investigating corruption in project construction

Quantity/quality: Undertake tests

Undertake relevant tests on actual road quantities and quality.

Various types of test can help identify road thickness (quantity) and quality:

  • non-destructive testing (e.g. ground penetrating radar)
  • destructive testing (e.g. core samples).

The core sample method extracts a thin cylindrical section of road at sample locations.  The thickness of the various road layers can be established from the cores. The cores can be tested for quality in a testing laboratory.  The outcome can be compared with the contract quantity and quality.

A reasonable balance needs to be achieved in testing between all of:

  • testing a sufficient sample to give a realistic picture of actual quality/quantity
  • cost of testing
  • damage to the road
  • inconvenience to road users.

Identify any discrepancies between the test results and

  • contract requirements
  • tests carried out during construction.

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January 2025