Module 1:  Understanding and avoiding corruption – Overview

The cost of corruption

Corruption is one of the greatest obstacles to the alleviation of poverty, national prosperity, and the development of adequate healthcare, education and infrastructure.

It distorts decision making, as decisions are made not in the best interests of the public, but in the interests of the corrupt individuals concerned.

Corruption can have many consequences, including the following:


  • The theft of public funds by corrupt acts means that fewer roads, schools and hospitals are built, and less money is available for food, education, and healthcare.
  • The corrupt by-passing of controls and contract requirements means that infrastructure can be unsafe and environmentally damaging.
  • The demand for bribes to access public health, water, power, and education means that those people who cannot or will not pay these bribes are denied access to these services.

In consequence, people suffer deprivation, illness, and death.  The consequences fall disproportionately on the poor and vulnerable.  CORRUPTION KILLS. 


  • Nationally, corruption reduces investor confidence and so reduces investment. Public funds are stolen resulting in slower economic growth.
  • At project level, corruption increases project costs and results in defective infrastructure.
  • At organisational level, organisations which wish to work ethically lose work to corrupt organisations, or are commercially or financially disadvantaged by corrupt public officials and organisations.


You can play a role in preventing this:

If you participate in corruption, in however small a manner, you will be contributing to the above human and economic cost.

Consequently, it is vital that you do not participate in corruption and that corruption is stopped. 

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January 2025