You are Sales Manager at Buildwell, responsible for submitting tenders for road projects.
You attend a seminar organised by Road Contractors Association. Most major contractors in your country are members of the Association.
Association meetings normally provide useful information to national contractors on issues such as quality, safety, the environment, discrimination, the state of the market, and new construction techniques.
During the coffee break, you talk to two managers from two of your competitor contractors. One of them mentions the new major contract for an inter-city highway which is shortly to be put out to competitive tender by the National Roads Agency. You all agree that this is an exiting new project, and just what the country and the industry needs. One of the managers then says:
“It’s been a tough few years for the industry. This new project means that at last we can all make a bit of money. But not if we keep tearing each others throats out by bidding with silly low prices. We should all talk. There is plenty of work in this new project for everyone.”
What do you do?
Consider your position, and then go to the analysis on the next page.