The risks of corruption

Involvement in corruption is dangerous for you and your organisation.  Depending on the legal jurisdiction and the nature of your involvement, it could have the following results:


For you

  • Criminal liability and possible fine or prison sentence
  • Civil liability and paying out of damages
  • Loss of reputation
  • Loss of employment
  • Dismissal from membership of any professional association of which you are a member.


For your organisation

  • Criminal liability and possible fine
  • Civil liability and paying out of damages
  • Loss of reputation
  • Loss of business
  • Debarment from projects
  • Financial loss where your organisation has been the victim of corruption.


Some people become involved in corruption because:

  • They are not aware that the activity is criminal
  • They believe that the activity is "standard business practice"
  • They do not realise the seriousness of the criminal penalties if they are prosecuted
  • They do not realise the damage that can be caused by their corrupt act
  • They do not believe that they will be caught; or
  • They are required to carry out or condone the corrupt activity and are afraid to refuse to do so.


However, whatever the reason for involvement in corruption, the risks remain the same.


Consequently, anti-corruption training is essential so that you are aware of the risks of involvement in corruption, how to identify corruption, and how to deal with it.